Using the familiar drop-down-menu structure, the Tax Assistant will guide you from a general category to progressively more detailed information. Or to a website, a calculator, a form or a publication. AARP counselors also have access to AARP-only materials.
The Forum is an area where registered users (anyone with an email address may register) can exchange information with other users. Here, your expertise and your questions become another resource for inquisitive tax preparers.
There may be more than one blog, but each blog will be written by only one person. Registered users (anyone with an email address may register) may comment. TXLNX.COM will have a blog and will invite others to write a blog and you may request to have a blog too.
If you are registered and signed in then you will be able to see other users who are also signed in. You can limit who can see that you are signed in and restrict who you are chatting with in the same manner. This is a way to get a quick answer from a trusted associate without your client ever knowing that you asked.